“I’m so proud of my girl”: A letter to Roland about getting off marijuana
A note from Roly Hi, this is Roly. I meet a lot of amazing people in my line of work and it's a joy to help them all through their ups and downs. What follows is a letter from the mother of a client whom I had the pleasure of treating. It's a wonderful story that I...
When Everthing Came Together
A note from Roly Hello, I'm Roly. In my area of business, I get to meet many incredible people, and it's a pleasure to support them through the good times and bad. The letter that follows is from a client whom I have helped over the years, both in sports performance,...
Thoughts are more Powerful than Words
It isn't strange for people to disagree with one another. It is perfectly natural. It is healthy to have differing opinions as it leads to an exchange of beliefs and ideas. This open-mindedness can help us to be more flexible in our personal views and to be willing to...
How to Make your Luck?
Many people would like to know what the future holds, and there are various ways to learn about it—some visit fortune tellers and clairvoyants to get a glimpse into their future. While some people may consider this a waste of time, I believe it can be helpful if you...
The Here and Now
It's a basic fact: the only place you ever are in is the here and now. You can't change that. The problem is our mind spends so much time worrying about the past or future that we miss out on what's happening right in front of us. Eckhart Tolle wrote an entire book on...
It’s only the Patient Who wants Help that can be Helped
I can only help someone who wants to be helped. That is so true in most situations. You can't offer to help someone unless they have asked for it. Doing so is often not appreciated, and you will get no thanks. You may even offend them. The best course of action is...
Life Dictated by our Parents
I can understand my clients when they come to me with struggles in life. I know what it feels like to be pushed in a specific direction by our parents and other adults. We are expected to follow the same path they have taken. But sometimes, we have to break away from...
Stress and COVID
It's no secret that the pandemic has caused a lot of stress and anxiety. For many people, it seems like the constant news coverage of Covid-19 is just adding to their worries. If you're overwhelmed by the constant negative news coverage of the pandemic, you're not...
Stressed Out Moth in Glass Vase
You can either frustrate and stress about your past or go into the future with inevitability and focus, with all the experiences and lessons of the past to guide and help you.
The Problem with Clients Battling Marijuana Addiction
I have had incredible success with clients struggling with marijuana addiction. I know there are difficulties advertising to people with this particular addiction on Google. Still, few people realize just how easy it is to become addicted to marijuana. The fact was...