What Is Hypnosis And What Conditions Does It Treat Or Help Manage?
What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a trance-like state during which an individual’s level of focus, concentration, and awareness heightens to a very different level from the usual. When a person is under hypnosis, their subconscious mind dominates their conscious mind,...
The trap of gambling
This is something that you are hopefully not trapped into at the moment. The facts I’m going to relate you are very relevant. So you are aware of them and you are forewarned of the danger of gambling. My opinion gambling is probably the most vicious and dangerous...
Even Lotto Winners Get the Blues
It may sound strange that I am writing about lotto in a negative way. A lotto win can result in stress anxiety and may be trauma. A very large percentage of people weekly buy a lotto ticket, may be several. They are all potential millionaires, may be multi ...
Playing the hand you’ve been dealt: lessons from a cowboy doctor
As we go through life we come across incidents or quotes from other people and situations that stick in our minds. You say to yourself that’s good, that makes sense, I will remember that, it may come in handy. Where it comes from Where I got this and from and who, I...
What she went through was terrible. What she teaches now is a miracle.
During the years practicing hypnotherapy I have attended many courses and workshops. In the United States, England and many in Australia. They all have useful information. Every so often there is one that really stands out One of the monthly meetings of the...
Positive belief of your future trumps negative emotions of your past
This is an incident in my personal life, which emphases how a positive belief of your future will diminish the negative emotions of your past. This was a period of my life when through personal reasons I was feeling low. This happens in all our lives. Life is a...
Your daily life is a gamble causing you stress and anxiety
My two previous blogs I have discussed gambling, its addiction, and how it creates stress and anxiety that probably leads to trauma. Life can be a gamble Life is a gamble, your career depends on the odds you take. For the majority of my life, I farmed in the UK. I...
Would you like to know your future? Of course you would!
Would you like to know your future? I know you would and so would many others. What many people do is visit a fortune teller or clairvoyant. There is no problem with it, although you may consider it rubbish, a con and a waste of time. In my opinion it’s not a waste of...
How to put your future ahead of your past
We have our past present and our future. The only one that we are in right now is the present. We can reflect on the past. Worry about it. Be concerned about it. But there is no way we can change what is happened in our past. The way we worry about our past and get...
How one man saved $3,600 in two weeks with hypnosis
This gambler's results blew me away I have been practicing hypnotherapy for over twenty years and I class myself as a competent therapist. I have studied and attended workshops in England, America and Australia. Now and again I get a client whose results blow...