After writing the last three blogs on A,B and, C Attitude Balance and Control I would like to add this extra one. Where stress and anxiety can appear where you least expect it. I see clients from all walks of life, all ages and from a variety of different culture....
Balance Your Life Positive attitude total control and no balance everything falls over or blows up. Positive attitude total control and no balance everything falls over or blows up. I have personally experienced it, not only in my own personal life also in others....
A few years ago, I put together a motivation presentation called the A,B,C Attitude It’s a basic fact we design our life with our attitude, we have the ability to change it. You may say it’s the environment. So change it. How you do it? It’s up to you. Changing it...
Blog No 1 Empowering Women My intention is to write a blog every two week. What has happened on the National Scene, I strongly want to convey my thoughts. Also I would like comments and feedback. I have four daughters who are very precious to me and wonderful wife. ...
I intend to write a short blog every two weeks. The theme will be my own personal thoughts on what I have experienced in my life’s journey. Some of my thoughts and views, you may not be in agreement with, that’s fine. I have no right to change your views, may be you...
Extra Therapy to add to my therapies The Richards Process Judith Richards the creator of the Richard Process, spoke at one of the AHA (Australian Hypnotherapists Association) workshops. I was really impressed at the good work and the results she is achieving. She...