Empower Yourself

Empower Yourself

Tired of feeling intimidated or less than? Hypnotherapy can help You Empower Yourself. I’ve been a hypnotherapist for 20 years and I’ve helped hundreds to stop smoking, lose weight, manage stress more effectively, control their binge drinking and a whole lot more...
Manage Stress and Stay Calm

Manage Stress and Stay Calm

Hypnotherapy to help you manage your stress and stay calm. We live in a stressful society and, unfortunately, the many stressors that fill our daily lives aren’t going to go away. One of the reasons for that is that stress is a normal response to life’s...
Sleep Better and Relax

Sleep Better and Relax

Sleep better at Night & Wake Refreshed Are you tired of being tired? Then deep relaxation and ease hypnosis brings about can make all the difference.  Did you know that lack of quality sleep does more than make you grumpy and impact upon your ability to perform?...
Improve Your Golf

Improve Your Golf

Improve your Golf Game with Hypnosis The most defining element of your golf handicap is your mind. Golf lessons, books, videos and so on can help to a certain point. But, ultimately, it is how and what you believe about your ability that makes all the difference.  As...
Improve Your Memory

Improve Your Memory

Improve your memory with Hypnosis We’ve all heard the stories about how the older you get, the worse your memory gets. Others say that they were born with a ‘bad memory’ … that it’s part of their make-up and, so, they’re stuck with...
Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Hypnosis can help with Bruxism (Grinding Teeth) Bruxism, is the grinding of teeth at night while you sleep, is far more common than you may realise.  Stress and anxiety are widely acknowledged as the major contributors. And, as you may already have read, this is an...